Sold for real or not the marketing tactic worked because it caused you to think maybe these are priced well. I would assume the first phase of any project would have the strongest sales because there has to a few people who the location is perfect for, they may work close by, have family really close, etc. and they have watched the models being built and began planning months ago. 8 condos seems small for a phase, small phases seems to be the latest tactic. I visited a development that just opened and they released only six houses but they poured 12 foundations. It would look better to sell out a very small phase rather than open all twelve even though certain unreleased lots might appeal to certain buyers.
How do they compare to resales in the area, I have found developers just starting a tract are priced much better than those that have been open for a year, they can, they won’t lose any sales in progress by lowering prices.