So, contraman, since you were “born into a hard working family in the mid west that places little to no value on material things,” I guess you live in a one bedroom hovel and give away 80% of your money to charity. Is that right? Man, it must be kind of odd living here in the U.S. without a car, television, cell phone, computer, etc. Oops, you must have a computer…
I don’t think greed in and of itself is “one of the major factors that has contributed to this calamity that is upon us.” It’s ignorance.
I’m greedy. Really greedy. I’m definitely looking out for number one. My happiness and contentment is without a doubt the most important thing in my life. (The fact that I derive a lot of happiness in helping others, via charity and other avenues, is beside the fact. It’s still about my happiness at the end of the day.) And despite my incredible greed I didn’t get caught up in this whole housing mess. How can that be? Well, it’s because I’m greedy, you see, and didn’t want to lose my ass.
If you contemplate all of history’s inventions and discoveries that make our lives better/easier/more enjoyable, I’d be willing to bet that 99% of them did not originate from an altruistic motive. No, they were invented or discovered by someone trying to make a buck – some greedy SOB. Prove me wrong. Greed, generically, is good. (Gordon Gekko didn’t have it all wrong after all.)
Nope, the problem isn’t greed. It’s UNBRIDLED greed COUPLED with huge helpings of ignorance and impatience.
As an aside, I’ve generally found that people who rail against greed and materialism are the greediest and most materialistic people around. But that’s just been my experience.