[quote=SmellsFeeshy]I am going to be making a similar switch soon as well. My contract was up at the end of November and I’ve been waiting to find a deal on the Galaxy Nexus. Right now they are offering it for $189 on Amazon Wireless (was $150 a couple days ago) but I’m planning on waiting until after xmas in hopes they have a .01 holiday sale on it.
I’ve done a lot of research on the GN and a few people are complaining about the reception being poor when compared to other LTE phones. Also there are a few issues with apps not being compatible with Android 4.0 yet.
Overall though it still seems to be the best phone available for now on Verizon. The Droid RAZR and HTC Rezound may be worth consideration also, although neither has Android 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich yet.[/quote]
I compared all three phones and found the display on Rezound is amazing for text and videos seemed sharper than Nexus. The Rezound has Qualcomm LTE Chipset, which may be why LTE performance is better than Samsung/VIA LTE on Nexus. On speed tests I was getting 10-12Mb/sec on Nexus and 15-17Mb/sec on Rezound. Not really big deal except for potential battery issue with 3G/4G handoff. The camera on the Nexus is subpar compared to others, especially the I4S.
As for phone call quality the MOTO RAZR probably most solid choice if MOTO used same high quality as in the Droid 1.