skerzz, I have been aware that millenials will “vote with their feet” if they can’t have the type of schedule they want from their employer. But what I have had a hard time understanding is why there has been so much age discrimination in hiring in the past ten years plus when boomers typically come in on time and leave on time, know how to dress and groom themselves for business, express themselves in a businesslike fashion on paper, in person and on the phone and don’t sit around texting all day. It’s mind boggling to me that employers would prefer the “prima-donna problem children” with black sparkle nail polish (who may be slightly pregnant but not telling anyone about it) and have an iphone for an appendage when they could have a very hardworking boomer with 30-40 years of experience and ready to work from day one with no training :=0[/quote]
It’s in a business entity’s best interest to hire employees that deliver the greatest ROI. Considering this, perhaps you’re perception of how great the boomer workforce is and/or how terrible the millennial “prima-donna problem children” are is flawed? I’ve spared a list of common boomer stereotypes that may help explain hiring preferences from my response so you’ll have something to google (a commonly used internet search engine provider) the remainder of the day. :)[/quote]Wow, skerzz, it sounds like you have issues with boomers at your workplace. Are the presence of boomers at your workplace currently blocking a promotion for you and you would rather they just “go away?”
Your response indicates to me that you are in favor of the ongoing overt age discrimination that has been in full force in the private sector for at least 10 years. I hope you never find yourself “looking for work” in middle age :=0