[quote=SK in CV]you didn’t mention your price range, but if you can afford it, Del Mar, has all those things.[/quote]
That’s exactly what I was thinking. Not sure about it being down-to-earth, or having large enough lots, but for a wealthier area with a “downtown village” area, I can’t think of another place that comes close to Del Mar, other than La Jolla, but don’t think that’s as good for kids as most of the people there seem to be on the older end of the spectrum (Del Mar, too, but there are some younger areas).
Have to agree with spdrun, too, though. If you’re looking for very good schools, large lots (3/4 acre+), large homes that are not “cookie-cutter” houses, AND a more down-to-earth vibe…not sure that it’s really possible to find in Southern California, to be honest.