[quote=SK in CV]Yeah, Gowdy is a former prosecutor. He knows how to frame a question. “Clinton said blah blah blah, is that true?”, when in fact, Clinton never said blah blah blah. Example: Clinton said she didn’t use more than 1 device at a time. She didn’t say she only used 1 device. I think she went through about 5 different cell phones. But never two at the same time.
There’s another clip out there with Comey acknowledging that the emails were not properly marked classified.[/quote]
1) Most of the ‘answers’ were ‘not true’. So you are saying that FBI Director James Comey was lying – and if I am not mistaken, this recording was of him on the record under oath.
2) Find it or it doesn’t exist – Comey saying that they did not mark properly.
3) Classification marks can be as simple as “(C)” or “(S)” at the top of the page – the question would also be as to what standard.
4) Comey did state that they were marked classified – I can get you the time index if you want.. At that point, whether it is ‘proper marking’ or not is no longer the question. Comey said they were marked as opposed to your statement. With classified info, if there is doubt as to proper marking as classified (ie. says classified but not according to how it was supposed to be marked per DD 254 – you treat it as classified – period.)
5) When you are read into a classified project – you are notified as to the markings and responsibility.
The unspoken problem again, is how did this classified data get on an unclassified system – given MLS. Someone had to construct a bypass.
NOTE: Gowdy also knows when someone is being evasive on the answer and not answering directly – that is why the specific yes/no that he was looking for. He was also trying to frame the question as to be able to compare with legal statute.