[quote=SK in CV][quote=ucodegen]BTW: Name calling is known as a logic fallacy (argumentum ad hominem). [/quote]
Please review your logical fallacies. This wasn’t one. What I did was a straight out insult. There was no logical fallacy involved. Some insults are ad hominem. Some are not. Mine wasn’t. Her lousy opinions stand on their own. They don’t need personal insults to support them. The personal insults were just an extra bonus.[/quote]I am quite aware of the definitions of logic fallacy. If you resort to a personal insult/attack in the process of trying to justify your position, it is an “argumentum ad hominem”. You are attempting to ‘dirty’ the opponent by insult, calling name, etc w/o dealing with the facts at hand. It is like calling someone an idiot, therefore they don’t know what they are talking about — in the process not dealing with the facts of the discussion.
Just because the current political climate seems to feature many logic fallacies (including argumentum ad hominem, guilt by association, etc) does not make the logic valid. While in the political climate, it may be easier for either sides of the isle to resort to these types of attacks, we and democracy are cheapened by them.