[quote=SK in CV][quote=ucodegen]
Sorry neither. That said, it has not been shown that Trump has colluded with Russia. However I do think that Russia was in Hillary’s Email server – for a long time, probably set up automated forwarding of all Emails sent and received, going through several proxies. I don’t think they did this for the Election, I think it was in place for some time. However I don’t think they were the ones that released them – how could Russia profit from that? But it is something that could be subject to blackmail, releasing them and it can no longer be used for blackmail.
Not a single email from Clinton’s server was ever released surreptitiously. Not a single one. There was no evidence that it was ever successfully hacked. Interesting that you think there was. Did fake news help form your impressions of the candidate?[/quote]
Really? I thought the claim was that Russians were the source for the Wikileaks leak of her Emails. How did they get it.. Wikileaks claims that the source was not the Russians – which I tend to believe because Russia does not give away any leverage which they could have over people.