All of this nonsense obscures the fact that the Dems have made a hash of healthcare reform (again) and, ironically, this time Big Pharma and Big Insurance were SUPPORTING the President, unlike Hillarycare back in the Clinton Administration.
Uh, no siree. Pharma had (past tense) a non-binding deal to not oppose reform. Insurance is fighting it tooth and nail, having spent millions in just the last few months. Who do you think invented the plan to disrupt the town hall meetings? The insurance companies have attempted (and may have succeeded) in buying the blue dog dems. They have billions in profits at stake. Their 467% increase in profits over the last 9 years are the reason we’re even discussing it again.[/quote]
SK: So Big Insurance “invented the plan” to disrupt the town hall meetings? And? How does this affect the vote on Obamacare? Last time I checked, citizens don’t vote on legislation, legislators do.
The Dems control the White House and Congress and don’t need a single GOP vote to pass this legislation.
As to Billy Tauzin’s back room meeting with Obama, it isn’t “past tense” yet. Certain Dems have said they won’t honor the agreement, but that hasn’t happened yet.
And, I’ve heard that Big Insurance has been contributing to advertisements SUPPORTING Obamacare, not opposing it. I could be wrong, and I would need to do some checking in order to assert that properly, but that is my understanding.
Again, so what if there were third parties out there “disrupting” town hall meetings? That has nothing to do with the passage of this legislation, any more than Limbaugh or Hannity yapping about it do.
The Dems completely control the destiny of this legislation, correct? Or do I have that wrong as well?