[quote=SK in CV]Ok on the herding. I thought you meant herding, in the sense of….herding. I’d never heard the word associated with tribalism. But I guess I see the connection.
The don’t suspect opposition to multicultural societies, at least in this country, or most of western Europe, has much to do with hoarding, and everything to do with othering.[/quote]
Tribalism is alive and well in this country, and in most of western Europe…AND the reason for the resistance/opposition to “multiculturalism” is because the existing cultures believe that the “invading” cultures are taking a disproportionate share of the existing resources.
Americans are horrific hoarders, BTW; it’s why we go to war. We want access to, and control of, the world’s resources. We want it all, and we don’t hesitate to head into battle if we believe that another “group” is about to get between us and “our” resources, here or abroad.