[quote=SK in CV]LOL! Great points. Long memories, just not very good ones. After three separate inquiries, investigators could find no evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton in the Whitewater controversy. The FBI isn’t doing the “right thing” now. It’s doing the possibly illegal thing, which will probably lead to the end of James Comey’s career. Fortunately, we won’t have to listen to lies from the republican candidate much longer. Trump is still losing. Badly. And Bigly.[/quote]Actually, I recently saw a few minutes ago that Trump was ahead 3.5% in your DEEP RED state of AZ (in a 4-way race). Not sure why HRC has chosen to waste her precious, short time in your great city today since Obamacare is going up 116% for 2017 and you now only have ONE carrier left . . . a very sad state of affairs for Phonecians under the age of 65 who don’t have employer (or government) provided healthcare :=0
Director Comey could have no doubt have retired yesterday. And he may yet do so. Of course, it likely depends on who his new boss ends up to be :-]
And then there is the “fat lady” again. Remember her? She’s warming up her pipes for her performance, starting tomorrow. May the show go on!