[quote=SK in CV]Do you have a freeze on all your reports for this kind of protection? So doing it for a minor would all be related to identity theft?[/quote]
In answer to your first question, I *think* so. If it is not with EVERY repository, it *should* be.
In answer to your second question, I don’t know if “ID theft prevention” is a legitimate reason to “freeze” a minor’s credit report because it is virtually non-existent.
Unfortunately, since the TRA of 1986, EVERY minor has to have a SSN issued in order to be claimed on a parents tax return as a dependent (before that, minors obtained them in order to work at age 15 or 16 or enter college at 17 or 18). Those earliest-born (former) minors born after the TRA was enacted (born 1986 thru 1994) have come of age having a SSN all of their lives and a portion of them may now be experiencing an identity-theft problem when they go to apply for credit.