[quote=SK in CV][quote=CA renter]I don’t think most of us are part of any lynch mob. Personally, I agree that the most disgusting part of this story is the mistress and her leaking a very private recorded conversation to the press (either directly, or indirectly).
Clearly, Donald Sterling is no moral icon. He’s a complete dirtbag, as far as I’m concerned, but I agree that private conversations between two people are just that…private.[/quote]
Really? I’m shocked you feel this way. The most disgusting part is not Sterling’s outrageously dickish behavior, but rather that someone brought it to the public’s attention?
For what it’s worth, the woman who made the recordings has denied that she ever had an intimate relationship with Sterling, and that she was not the one who released the recordings.[/quote]
Other posters pretty much covered why I feel this way. What Sterling said might have been offensive, but lots of people say offensive things about others in the privacy of their own homes. Have you honestly never said anything about “bitches” or “gold diggers” or used some other derogatory words in reference to other groups of people in private conversations? Many people would be equally offended by that.
What he said was his business, and it’s between him and his mistress. If he were to *act* on his beliefs and victimize people in some way (and I think he has done this in the past), then that is another issue.
IMO, he said what he did because he knows that his mistress is using him for access to rich, black athletes who make Sterling look like the ugly, old fool that he is. He knew that, and was apparently okay with it. It was when she flaunted it publicly on social media that he lost it because his (probably equally old and very rich and powerful) friends were calling him about it.
Personally, I don’t have problems with people who have different beliefs than I do, and their private conversations and opinions are their business. We do not have the right to tell people what they must think or believe, nor should we ever think that we have the right to do that. If they *act* in a way that negatively affect others, then that’s a different story. Just my opinion.