[quote=SK in CV][quote=CA renter]Thanks for sharing that video, paramount. Makes sense to me, too. There is very little reason to believe what we’re being told by our govt.[/quote]
I don’t know which version is accurate, but is there a reason to believe the Russian government over the US government?[/quote]
I don’t fully trust anyone who is in power, nor those who want to be in power. They have every reason to lie to the masses, so everything they tell us should be researched and confirmed or denied. More than that, we need to know the WHOLE story behind what’s going on. This will sometimes require us to look back many years or decades in order to understand the sequence of events that lead us to the current situation. And we need to search through multiple sources of information, from different perspectives, in order to get even a hint of the truth.
We know for a fact that we’ve been lied to on many occasions in the past. The government and the MSM mouthpieces have lost credibility. We should not go to war unless there is ample, verified evidence that the American people, here in this country, would be endangered if not for military action.
No more wars for oil companies or the military industrial complex. No more wars that leave in their wake “collateral damage” where tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians are left dead or maimed.
I always find it ironic that we don’t have enough money for healthcare or Social Security, but there is never any hesitation to spend trillions of dollars on wars, drones, and killing machines.