It wasn’t anecdotal. If it was anecdotal, I’d be you. I’m not. As of the latest year available, 41% of children 0-18 were on Medicaid and other public insurance. More than 50% are covered by private insurance.
You’re right. I don’t have to be insulting. And you don’t have to be a bigoted racist. So it goes.[/quote]Um, SK, your link was from 2014. Not sure if it was referencing the beginning or the end of 2014 but that was the year (1/1/14) when the ACA was first “put into practice.” Let’s see here ….
Your link says: 47% Employer-provided; 5% Non Group (exchange plan?); 39% Medicaid; 2% Other Public (if Tricare, that figure seems low to me); and 6% uninsured. That totals 99% of all children … close enough. You apparently haven’t been paying attention! Children have been dropped from parents’ “exchange-purchased marketplace plans” in droves by the state and federal exchanges and state Medicaid agencies and involuntarily placed into Medicaid/Medi-cal after the Medicaid family income threshold went up last spring (2015)! A large percentage of them were dropped with no notice whatsoever to the parents, who had been paying their premiums in the “family premium” they were paying to their marketplace carrier every month.
Had you even bothered to read any of the links I carefully referenced for your information in the following thread OR the CA agent-facilitator-in-the-trenches blogs they came from, you would have known this.
If you want more links (than these 10 you obviously didn’t read) re: the CA Medi-Cal forced-placement debacle, I’ve got more I can now provide you).
I won’t even acknowledge your other nasty, arrogant comments as you have absolutely no idea of my race and/or nationality nor that of my family or friends. You’re being insulting and clearly making stuff up, here.
41% of children on Medicaid PLUS 2% gubment-insured children PLUS a presumed 6% uninsured children in the US is 49% of ALL children and THAT is a HUGE percent of our country’s children in which US health providers got sub-par (or zero) reimbursements for in 2014 (or part of 2014).