[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]In reality, CC does not exist to place individuals and families in plans they like (or can live with) who are willing to pay the monthly premium for. CC does not care if it signed up 1M enrollees into “marketplace plans” or just 200K. CC exists solely to gather financial information from its unsuspecting enrollees to be culled and re-culled from month to month and year to year for possible forced Medi-Cal placement. [/quote]
1.7 million Californians purchased qualified healthcare plans on the exchange.[/quote]Yeah, I think it’s time to take a little “data dive” to find out how many CC signed up into Medi-Cal. Add in the new Medi-Cal signups which occurred “in the field” since the the last quarter of 2013 via “Medi-Cal outreach efforts” plus all the new signups done by county social workers who combed their SNAP and other aid databases for potential signups and you will likely have 2-4 times as many Californians who have been enrolled in Medi-Cal since 1/1/14.
Ditto for the rest of the states.
So this makes the ACA “successful” because it managed to get so many more people “covered” into “expanded” Medicaid/Medi-Cal :=0