[quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]Oh yeah, I know. Everyone is “deplorable” to HRC who isn’t a deep-enough pocketed donor to her foundation or campaign. Those deep pockets include the millions of “liberal elite” in CA. Having been a longtime local Dem activist myself for nearly nine years, no one knows this fact better than I do.
I don’t believe enough “minorities” (whatever that is supposed to mean) are being adequately polled by the major pollsters. The only “polls” which will be entirely believable are those votes which are cast for the November 8 election. You must know that many people aren’t going to speak their truth if they think they will just be chastised for it. Voting, whether by mail or in person, is private. This is the only act that will tell the tale.[/quote]
That’s pretty much bullshit. She was specific about who she finds deplorable. Racists. Xenophobes. Homophobes. Islamaphobes. Now the possibility exists that you don’t find any of these deplorable and you think the emancipation declaration was a mistake, and that slavery should still be legal. At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me. In which case, you fit in just perfectly with Trump voters.
Do you really think African Americans and Hispanics are lying to pollsters and claiming to support someone else and actually support Trump? Because that is the only way your claim that minorities aren’t being adequately polled works. (Unless you don’t believe in math, which given some of your claims, seems entirely possible.) I don’t know if you remember 4 years ago. But republicans across the country were “unskewing” the polls. The polls were pretty clear that Obama would win. Republicans, including some very prominent republicans were convinced otherwise. The polls ended up underestimating the Obama’s victory. So unskew, without any basis whatsoever, if it makes you feel better.[/quote]You seem to getting personal again in ascribing all of HRC’s stated “phobes” to me, SK. I honestly believe that an (unk) portion of people who are verbally “polled” (whether in person on telephonically, unless it was actually during an “exit poll”) are disinclined to speak their truth in this election. That is, not to state to the pollster that they are supporting a candidate they deplore, but instead stating to the pollster that they hadn’t yet made up their minds and so just named a candidate to get rid of the pollster. Or stated they would vote for an Independent for President. At least this would be so in polls where their names would be known to the pollster. A lot of people just want to get through their day without calling undue attention upon themselves.
I’m not entirely convinced that the numerous polls taken daily and weekly are accurate or even within a +/- 3 point margin of error for the reason that people just generally don’t want the hassle of being judged by an army of raging liberal goons, ESPECIALLY in coastal CA and ESPECIALLY if they reside near the International Border in any state. For these reasons, I believe the current polls could be grossly underestimating the number of actual Trump supporters (“closeted” or otherwise). What I did find interesting among groups of friends and relatives (3 groups of 40-80 people in 2 “flyover states” – one decidedly deep red and the other supposedly blue) was that residents of the red state were not afraid to state “Trump all the way” to whoever wanted to know and each group of +/- 40 in gatherings and a reunion I attended appeared to have 3-5 HRC supporters each. In the (supposedly) blue state, among people discussing the election who were from all over the country (but mostly “flyover states”), about 12 of the 35-40 (out of ~80) people I spoke to stated they supported HRC and the rest Trump. Of course, I didn’t talk about the election to everyone at the events, nor did I actually speak to everyone who was there and about 15-20 people in two of the events were children. The groups consisted of Caucasians, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans and (a few) Asians (only because there aren’t many Asians residing in those locales) and combinations thereof.
That was the result of my “personal sampling poll” of 90-100 adults of all ages in 2 states.
Methinks we’re embarking on a very interesting and exciting election season!