[quote=SK in CV][quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=briansd1]
Looking at the big picture, there have been prosecutions of financial executives for malfeasance — not enough IMO, but still justice is being done.
Other political appointees would have been even more lenient. I believe that a reversal of political winds would be of great benefit to the big banks.[/quote]
Brian: Justice is being done? Whaaaaaat? Where? Have you been playing with your Alternative Reality Barbie doll again? (available at a soon-to-be-bankrupt Sears store near you!).
You think this adminstration is truly being tougher on financial crime than, say, a GOP administration? What a joke. Obama is just as much in Wall Street’s pocket as any of those plutocratic GOP assholes. The WHOLE game is fixed, Brian, don’t you get that? Or is it simpler to delude yourself into believing that svelte, fit Obama is really in this for the “common man”? Dude, please.[/quote]
I’ll go a step further and say that it’s very possibly been worse than a Republican administration. At least with respect to expectations v. reality.
And this particular prosecution annoys the crap out of me. I have no idea whether they’re guilty. I’ve read some arguments that may be sound, with reasonable defenses for these two schmucks. The bigger problem isn’t these prosections, it’s the prosecutions that aren’t happening. Out of the scores of financial institutions that comitted violations of dozens of laws and regulations over the last 8 years, these are the two that Holder chooses to prosecute? And for these wimpy charges? It’s rediculous. And disgusting.[/quote]