SK in CV. Analyzing a financial investment based on the commission of the sales agent vs analyzing based on the benefit of the purchaser relative to other investments is pretty poor analysis. Northwestern Mutual is a very reputable company.
Ask people who bought whole life policies that had guaranteed rates of return of 10% plus and are now plowing money into them how they feel about their policies and they will speak very highly of them.
Buy at the wrong time and in the wrong circumstances and like the housing market you may have a negative opinion.
Have kids who are heading to college and you can hide saving in a life insurance policy qualify for financial aid and potentially borrow from the policy and pay yourself back the interest if necessary. Have wealth that you are looking to pass along tax free and their are applications where life insurance makes sense.
Term life has become very cheap, very similar to renting but what happens if something all of a sudden drives this cost up in a few years.