[quote=sjglaze3]My attorney fee for that sale was about $450. And it was roughly the same when I bought the house. Over there, the attorney acts as the title company/escrow company. The big difference in the UK is the disclosures, as in, there arn’t any. The emphasis is on the buyer to do their due diligence with the help of a good building inspector. Tax and HOA issues are really non-existent for most UK property. Also, most houses there are seriously old (my 1896 house was considered pretty average), so it’s almost inevitable there will be repair issues. Perhaps, people’s expectations here are much higher. They are buying their dream home and want everything to be perfect.[/quote]
It may also be that houses that old have a more stable set of known issues. You know that xy and z need replacement every so often. I suspect the relative newness of American homes adds in a lot of variables. Interesting.