Since we’re going to speculate and conjecture, then I’ll toss my opinion. He’s a guy. Guy’s have needs they can’t control. Back to the old joke of why women have no brains — they don’t have a penis to put it in. Not to put guys down, b/c I think it’s physical thing. I don’t think he was being heartless initially. He just didn’t think. He wanted his physical needs satisfied and the maid was there, so he did what he desired and there was no other thought process involved. It is a very primate, physical need/desire.
Now does society expect those desires to be squashed, for men to control themselves, whether right or wrong. Yes. But as we see all too often, it is not that easy. This is not reserved to politicians. Tiger, anyone? And however many other sports figures or actors or whatever. The normal guy out there is just the same, only he’s not in the public image and you don’t read about it in the news.
As also mentioned, sadly society wants our politician to be a family man, as opposed to a swinging single person. Maybe b/c society expects family men to be responsible and therefore can be responsible w/the public office they have. Very often society holds higher expectations for someone who is in the public image and therefore, they have an unspoken obligation to uphold their position in favorable light.
I agree w/eavesdropper. For him to have a sexual indiscretion, that can be condoned and understood. To have lied to the family, to the public, to have the woman in the home for all these years, well, it is somewhat disgusting. How do you trust someone like that ever again? It is deplorable and bordering dispicable. It is the ultimate betrayal.
While the initial sexual act can be overlooked as he wasn’t thinking about what he was doing in his moment of — let’s call it what it is, horniness — clearly everything that transpired thereafter was thought about carefully.