Since the point of this thread is to discuss the possible empathy gap WRT wealth/income levels, it’s appropriate to bring this up. He was wealthy before he started giving. He was criticized for being stingy about charitable giving (among other things).
There is absolutely no doubt that Bill Gates can be ruthless and greedy. There are plenty of lawsuits that back this up WRT the treatment of employees, IP issues, monopolization, etc.
It seems as though his mind was changed when he met Melinda. Some say there were other influences, as well.
Just pointing out that his “giving” nature might not have been his personal nature after all — that he was probably influenced by others to give.
Not trying to take anything away from his incredible generosity once he decided to commit to philanthropy. No matter what the critics say (and they do have very valid criticisms), he’s certainly done a lot of good in that respect.