Silver is definitely cheaper. In fact, silver/gold ratio is at all time highs. And if you look back at the 08 recession w/e to QE, silver did just as well in terms of percent gains if not better. We own about 50/50 split between CEF/PSLV
We would like to positioned our portfolio at 20% metals by end of next year. Waiting for the market to dip to get the other 10% in hopes that metals will also dip due to margin calls again as in Mar. When will this mania end? Then again, if every thing dips, buy gold or just buy snp?
Why 20%? Because Golden butterfly, Dragon portfolio and the likes of them recommend 20% Gold. Are these portfolios hyped? Probably. But this year so far we are at 9 trillion, between fed and gov. Some predict we will need another 10 before this is over. I can’t imagine gold/silver going down with the current fed/gov policy.
I would like to look into mining. Gold and silver maybe even uranium. But so far I have not determined what I should be looking for. And I am hesitant to buy into something that I do not understand.