You been in a cave smokin’ crack with bin Laden? Which party over the last 8 years has “spent that money” and “borrow[ed] from the unborn to stuff the ballot box?” I can think of a certain governor from Alaska–not a Dem–who took the $$ and ran with it like a bandit, regardless of whether that damn brige was built or not. Don’t be a pot calling the kettle black, John! You are a farce.[/quote]
Does bin Laden smoke crack?
I am not certain but I think it is against islam.
John, unbalanced budgets do not necessarily lead to bankruptcy. Lots of people and governments run ongoing deficits safely. Its the unsafely high debt service burden that concerns me. Thats not odd, thats just what lots of economists and financial advisors say. Basically, having a credit card is okay but don’t run it up so high you are broke.
As far as the Dem hatred, yeah I get it already. You hate dems. Wheee. Those rants don’t help your discussions (which, for the most part, are pretty good for a right-winger). Thats all.