Shadowfax: “Spasibo”? Uh-oh, now we’ve got the Russians involved?
I brought up Marquez and Vargas Llosa largely because I thought their respective writings had some bearing on the topic at hand. Marquez is something of a disappointment to me, in that he is an apologist for Castro (something that Vargas Llosa has taken him to task for in the past).
I also brought it up in the context of fascism, communism and republicanism. Rus linked a piece from Orwell’s “Homage to Catalonia”, which I personally think is some of his best writing. The Spanish Civil War also provides an excellent backdrop to the thread given the history of that conflict and the involvement of the Germans, Italians and Soviets.
We get could really discursive and go off on a fresh tangent regarding “wars of liberation” that pitted various ideologies against each other and how those wars still resonate to this day. And how they manifest themselves in the dialogue we are having now (between liberals and conservatives).