I simply thought the post was funny’r than all get out… not WRITTEN in the style of RWE, but certainly containing that favorite o my old man’s quotes… in it’s almost purest essence.
TG is in position to get a a nice crib and I say good for ‘im…
may his sugar daddyin’ daze leave ‘im wif enuf energies
for his , ahem, more curvaceous endeavours… hopefully he don’t low ball ‘er!! 😉
Pencils? Cabin? Maybe your thinking Thoreau?
Brush up on your Trancendentalists folks…
Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then.
I contradict myself.
I am large…
I contain multitudes.
( Thanks for all the warm fuzzy welcoming backs an’ all…
I just been arranging the plans for connubial bliss and have outlasted la femme pas-fatale who now sees the logic in renting for now, traveling a bit and saving up while keeping an eye on this double-diamond downward sloping SD RE market)