You quoted me as saying “Make them interesting, inflammatory, or insightful enough to have them stay at the top and get responses”
then you replied, “Here’s one right here, kitty. Maybe there’s something to it, eh? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOW.”
Well, HIIIISSSS… I was suggesting you start a thread related to the housing bubble… the constant critique of powayseller is not at all interesting and does not qualify as something contributory to this blog… and frankly, a big reason this site lost it’s appeal last spring (thank you for the graph on that subject rankandfile – are you sure of your calculations though? I feel we hit the peak a little sooner.) Of course, I do see that now that powayseller is back – there is a lot more activity here… It is just that one has to weed through ENDLESS critique by sduude and others of PS’s motivation and her prose. PLEASE get over yourselves! Obviously there is some play in the words “expect” and “at risk” when one is making a prediction in the business setting. For planning purposes, it is safe to assume that those “at risk” for default, will… and then go from there… making plans… making predictions does not mean it MUST happen that way… only that we should “expect” it to and be PREPARED in case it does. Get off your high horses everyone.
“Thanks for sharing that and participating in this forum. I invite you to consider my point of view…”