You can take your complaints to the PRIVATE developer and HOA that mandate that type of architecture. It’s the architectural style that draws most of the people who **choose** to live there and pay for it.
You can also take your complaints to the PRIVATE developers/contractors who profitted from this building. Not a single firefighter/”union thug” got any of the money spent on this building.
“Jim Ashcraft, president of the fire district’s board of directors, estimated that with all contingencies included, the total cost of the new station will be about $4.7 million.
Michel and Ashcraft said 75 percent of the money for the station will come from fees charged to developers for projects within the district, while the remaining 25 percent will come from the district’s general fund, generated primarily from property tax revenue.”
Stop trying to malign the hard-working, decent people who work in public service. Your bitter little song and dance is getting old. If you made poor career (or other) choices in life, that is nobody’s fault but your own.