[quote=sdrealtor]Yes that is what I meant. As a selelr you dont want to disadvantage yourself by offering below market compensation to buyers agents which should be 2.5% (3% isnt necessary). Most agents only do 1 to 4 transactions a year so every penny counts to them. Alot of buyers will be well educated and drag their agents to the homes they find online but not all buyers are. as a seller, trying to save yourself a couple thousand dollars by offering less could cause you to miss out on a buyer who might be willing to pay many times m ore than what you saved. The truth is the uneducated buyers seeing properties their agents choose tend to be from out of area and are the ones most likely to overpay. You dont want to be that buyer but as a seller you want that to be your buyer. As a buyer you will frustrated by the high comps buyers like that will set but as a seller would you turn down one of those buyers who was willing to give you an extra $10,000?[/quote]
That is a fact.
Almost without exception, the “head-scratcher” purchases (paid WAY TOO MUCH) are made by people who are from somewhere else, are entirely uninformed, and rely 100% on what their realtor tells them.