[quote=sdrealtor]We are going to have a contest and the winner gets a decent bottle of wine. I just got back from a potential clients and saw their year end paystubs for last year. I did not list the property because it didnt fit what I thought I could do. Its a dual income household. Both work in the public sector. One in health care and the other in public safety. Lets see who can guess the 2011 gross earnings for the household not including any benefits paid for by their employer.
Have at it and dont be afraid of going over.
Contest runs through Monday.[/quote]
Why were potential clients showing you their paystubs? Maybe I’m naive, but why would someone show a person they were interviewing to hire *their* paystubs? Or do people normally show private, fiscal data in interviewing agents?
Mortgage brokers, maybe… real estate brokers they haven’t hired yet? Seems far fetched.