[quote=sdrealtor]This is excess any way you put it. I did not call out the workers I am calling out the system. I’m thrilled with my career choices and take full responsibility for myself. Remember that I am self employed and wake up each year with nothing. I’m fine with that and don’t suck off some arcane system. And don’t give me the argument that RE is supported by tax dollars and government manipulation either. No one from the government writes me a check ever. There is a playing field out there and it is completely up to me to make it happen each and every time I get paid.
Across the street from this building is the Helen Woodward center consisting mostly of trailers. Somehow they are allowed to be there in a less than Tuscan inspired villa. The Horizon school next to that is very modest as is the public school just to the South. The only thing that looks anything like this within miles are homes paid for by individual citizens. There are also many old barns in the area about to fall over.
Its not getting old to anyone but the two anvil sisters around here. The system is broken and not sustainable. The corruption and waste in the private sector is unfathomable. You have your pet peeves and have no problem airing them. Others do around here also. We have just as much right to complain about injustice in this country as you and we wont stop either. This is America.
More to come[/quote]
Hell yes, you and your ilk are the #1 beneficiary of the government’s largess over the past 5+ years. Do you have any idea how much government money is spent on housing and finance? What do you think your income would look like without all the lobbying done by the NAR and related interests? What if there was an open market where anyone who wanted to assist buyers/sellers could do so without any of the restrictions lobbied for by the NAR? What would your income (a percentage of price!) look like if not for the government-backed loans which make up almost the entire mortgage market?
Again, if you have a problem with the fire station, go talk to the developer and HOA. Ask them all about it, and make yourself more informed before you go spouting off.