[quote=sdrealtor]There are people in this world far more upwardly mobile who want and have the motivation to make it happen but should not be subjected to those standards which are perfectly fine for people in other more stable situations. A blue collar worker or gov’t worker who does not have nearly certain higher income coming should meet those standards. A highly specialized physician who has sacrificed spending 4 yrs in college, 4 years in med school, a year in residency and then a few more in fellowship comes out with much educational debt but a mid 6 figure income. These people often have young families and have lived with sacrifices far beyond what you have made. Their time has come and there should be mortgage loans for them. If I was in the position making residential RE loans I would much rather lend to one of them than a minimally employed paralegal putting 30% but thats just me.[/quote]
I hope all your residential lending forays are successful and profitable, sdr! Anyone with large student loans and the inability to pay them down or pay them off is a “red flag” to me. Often, this indicates they overspent while attending school.
You shouldn’t be judging the degree of another Pigg’s “employment status” that you know nothing about. You post enough around here on a regular workday for many Piggs to surmise you have absolutely nothing better to do ;=)
You would fare better here to keep your opinions (not based upon any facts or percipient knowledge) as to another Pigg’s “employment status” to yourself. The Piggs are more than tired of having to constantly come across your little arrogant jabs.