[quote=sdrealtor]The super low interest rates appear to be gone and how many homes have you found as perfect for you as the one you passed on? By the way the person who bought it after you probably paid more than you had it in escrow for (you can confirm or contradict that). Oh yeah…they paid all cash. By now I’m sure you know how hard it is to find a great house even when price isnt so much the issue.[/quote]
Yes, there were multiple offers (at least 7, IIRC) on the house, and *at least* two of them were all-cash. The people who bought it paid $10K more than we offered, so I’m happy for the seller on that one.
Admittedly, it’s not easy to find the “exact right” house, but the optimistic sellers certainly don’t make it any easier. We could find plenty of places that would suit us, but we’d have to do a lot of modifications and/or repairs…and prices just don’t reflect that, yet. Again, I understand that other people are willing to pay the price in today’s market; it’s tomorrow’s market that I am looking forward to.