[quote=sdrealtor]The post was a joke about negativity and as soon as I typed it realized it wasnt funny. It wasnt about BG but like most of my posts she makes them about her. Havent read any of hers in close to a year now.
My posts are about life and that contrary to popular belief lots of people are living happy, successful lives. Ordinary people living good lives. Conservative minded, hard working people that have earned what they have by investing in themselves and their families through education and entrepreneurship.
I view life through a long lens enjoying every day, preparing for the future and looking forward to the changes it will bring in my life and in the world. That is all.[/quote]
Nobody’s claimed that lots of hard-working, intelligent, educated people aren’t living decent, happy lives — whether entrepreneurs or not. (Unfortunately, too few of those “entrepreneurs” take personal responsibility for their failures since they — more often than not — risk *other people’s* money and lives. But that’s a whole ‘nother thread, now isn’t it?)
The point is that you make false statements about people you know little to nothing about. You totally make shit up about other people’s lives, beliefs, intentions, motivations, knowledge base, etc. On this thread, when confronted with your blatant lies about me, instead of apologizing, you attack again with even more lies.
You also try to convice others that you are somehow superior to other posters or people by making gradiose claims or by wrongly putting others down…again, people you know nothing or very little about. I highly doubt you’ve managed to convince anyone of your greatness when you do this. As a matter of fact, you come across as an insecure jackass.
By all means, enjoy your life to the fullest, but if you have to put other people down, or mischaracterize them, or lie about them in order to do so, then you have a serious psychological problem.