[quote=sdrealtor]Thank you NSR! CAR you are quoted posted salary ranges not ACTUAL EARNINGS. My facts are facts showing what they took home while yours are the myth of salary ranges.
A corrollary would be for you to post the salaries of the “captains of industry” which no doubt are a very small fraction of the income of the top wage earnings. Speculation as you call it is the foundation of capitalism. Coming up with an idea and building a company around it. Without that we wouldnt have any of the technological advances that support are quality of life.
Much of this income also comes from owning vast real estate holdings. Are you saying that someone who owns hundreds of apartment buildings should just let people live in them for free like the deadbeats you criticize for not paying their mortgages so the owners of those buildings dont make too much money from the rent they are entitled to?[/quote]
Salary ranges tell you what they earn without overtime. In order to compare salaries, you have to compare dollars per hour worked, not total dollars earned without any regard for the work done. If I earned $300K for ten hours of work, and someone else earned $400K for working one hundred hours, who gets paid more?
I don’t believe for a second that speculation is what creates a sound and sustainable economy. Needless to say, I am not a “capitalist” and think people have been brainwashed by those who benefit from it (the very wealthy) into thinking it’s the best economic system. It’s not, and there has never to my knowledge been a long-term success story where “free market capitalism” (without any kind of socialist influence) created a sustainable, healthy economy.
BTW, you do realize that a good portion of the wealthiest individuals have never done any real work, nor created any companies that provide goods and services that benefit society, right?
You’d be surprised to learn how many of the truly innovative and beneficial technologies were actually funded either entirely or largely by the government. It had nothing to do with “capitalist” pigs and their wealth-gathering mechanisms.
As for investment properties…I believe that ownership should take priority, and would like to see fewer “investors” and more real “owners” who live in their homes (at lower prices, because they should not have to compete with “investors”). I would favor tax policies and regulations that protect those who want to buy their own homes and penalize those who try to hoard too much real estate. People should be entitled to one primary residence and one commercial property. Anything beyond that should be taxed to the point that it’s no longer profitable.