[quote=sdrealtor]Sorry was away for the weekend up the coast. The numbers were $111 and $143 for a total of $254k. To me that is a lot of money for a household to make. These are not people living in a high end NCC community but rather a very modest working class one. Maybe I’m outta touch but a household with two “line workers” making that much seems like a lot. Frankly a lot of the guesses close to and above 300k shocked me.
I also think looking at current pension numbers is a fallacy. It’s not what they are collecting now but what we are committed to and have guaranteed in the future. If I’m selling a luxury retirement lifestyle I’d target public sector workers as there is going to be a lot of them in another 20 to 30 years. I always heard the arguments around here that real estate was getting so expensive our children wouldn’t be able to afford that. I never bought into that because I knew the market would eventually correct itself. This public sector compensation, benefit and pension mess truly worries me because there is no way for the market it to correct itself. We have committed to something I don’t know how we will ever pay for and there is no way around it.[/quote]
This is one definition for “line worker”
Every time you turn on your lights, call someone on the phone, watch cable television, or access the Internet, you are connecting to complex networks of lines and cables that provide you with electricity and connect you with the outside world. Line installers and repairers, also known as line workers or linemen, are the people who install and maintain these networks.
It doesn’t sound like the couple in your example do either of these jobs. Would you care to elaborate, or is this where you look down your nose because you believe public employees are somehow beneath realtors?