Its better that way though sometimes OBG get so out of control someone needs to step up and knock some reality in the blog. we all take our turns and look forward to her retirement and hopefully intermittent internet access from that far flung location she aspires to.[/quote]
Piggs, this is the truly a case of the pot calling the kettle black!
You might want to look closer into this thread to see who took a jab at who and study how ocr was “aggrandizing” over his/her beloved “56 corridor” on how it is has become the “premier destination” for “upper-income newcomers” to SD, lol.
The only “premier destination” 4S and surrounds has achieved in the last few years is that of a shining example of what happens when numerous trustees deeds exchange hands, numerous properties revert back-to-bene and when the current active inventory consists of primarily “upper-income” newcomers/homeowners/”professionals” attempting to convince their lenders to “take it in the shorts,” that is, after many of them ATM’d their properties to death. And I haven’t even covered all the properties there still lurking in the “shadows.” :={
We all know that true upper-income newcomers have many choices in life. Because they DO have choices, they don’t have to live in a far flung desert outpost in a crackerbox where they can hear their next door neighbor’s toilet flush only to then wait their turn in line to crawl west on the 56.
sdr, not to worry here. I’ll make sure I have the latest high-speed internet access and also wireless services, as well, wherever I decide to “retire.”