[quote=sdrealtor]No it was simply to get your goat which it clearly did.
BTW it’s too far to dig tunnels from Del Mar;)[/quote]
It’s too far to dig a tunnel to Chula Vista also ;=]
btw, the assorted “trafficking homeowners” that have already been paid don’t need to manage “tunnels.” All they have to do is store certain items on their property for their “employers,” retrieve the item(s) periodically when they are “ordered up” and then re-store them again. It’s nothing that a large in-ground or upright safe can’t fix ;=]
In exchange for a $1M+ residence, you can raise a family on this part-time gig in a quiet area with no extra vehicles visiting or any attention at all called to your “humble abode.”
It’s been done all over the county and seemed to be a fairly clean way to “make a living,” lol.