[quote=sdrealtor]Like real estate this is nowhere near as easy as you try to make it out to be. You could divide middle class into alot more than 3 levels. . . . I would not consider them all to be same class. Would you?[/quote]
No, I would not, sdr, see my post on wealth distribution. It all boils down to size of cash downpayments and terms of purchase.
Conversely, there is the quintessential CV couple in their mid-eighties who drive a 15-yr-old Lexus. (Came over to Ellis Island as children [TRUE].) Have pd. for home in MC/lower-MC area in perfect cond. inside and out as is their car. Too old to travel but active and content. Still LOADED with $$ so as not to be a burden on their children. THERE ARE LOTS OF THESE OWNERS STILL ALIVE IN SD, sdr. “Wealth” has many different faces.