In NJ the attorneys take the place of the escrow companies. They handle the closings not the contracts. As for the 6% commission, that changed long ago and there are lots of other models going on out there.
sdr, I think the attorney-office closings are a good plan. I believe it is the past-practice or model of WY and OK as well. I know attorneys personally perform the abstract/title work for RE closings in both of these states.
This might be a little more exp. than an escrow/title fee (maybe not, as seller pays CLTA in CA and could feasibly split the atty costs).
The vast majority of agents in CA can do a very simple transaction but if ANYTHING AT ALL happens to “trip it up,” they have to seek help from another agent/broker in order to close the deal because they have neither the education or experience. IMO, the bar is set way too low to obtain a RE Salesperson license in CA.