[quote=sdrealtor]I think most people still can graduate from high school and get a job that could support themselves and possibly an entire family on one income today. The problem is they arent content to live the way people used to. The attitude of todays modest jobholders is there is no reason they shouldnt have a cell phone, iPod, computer w/ internet access, a new car every few years, take nice vacations, go out to dinner and have a flat panel TV. When i was growing up we kept cars 10 years, had one TV in the house we kept for 20 years, one phone number, we rarely took vacations and dinner out was a bucket of chicken from Colonel Sanders (and that was a rare treat). I grew up in an upper middle class area but expectations have changed as has the world. You cant have it both ways.[/quote]
Agree with all of this, except cell phone and internet svc which I believe are necessities. There are cheaper ways of getting these services but they involve prepaid cell phones and a little slower internet service.
I must admit that I have regular cellphone svc and fast internet service but have none of the other benefits you mention here. I DO travel but I drive in my 18 yo car and stay at friends/relatives houses 75% of the time.
I do not eat out unless I am someone else’s guest 🙂
I want to add that families of “yesteryear” lived in much less square footage than young families want today.