[quote=sdrealtor]I just saw your income on the other thread and you should definitely buy a house from me. I promise to spend all the money stimulating the economy. Think of all the good things I could do like
Take TG out for a night of debauchery
Buy scaredy a new bike
Get BG a 300K mile tune up on her Lexus
Take Allen elk hunting in Montana
Buy CAR enough stamps to send every congressman/woman and senator a letter.
Send Brian to SF so he can let his freak flag fly
Buy Desmond enough fire wood to survive a nother frigid Winter on the mountain top
Pay for UCGal’s RealtyTrac subscription so she can stay up to date on all the lastest foreclosure data
Unlimited Happy Meals for the Jacarandoso/Rusctico kids
Dinan chips for FLU’s cars
A 1 year subscription to Money magazine for Econ Prof
Buy JP seeds and fertilizer for the garden she has dreamed of for years
And not to forget me, buy myself a case of Dalla Valle
Really kev, dont be so selfish. We are all depending upon you (snark off)[/quote]