[quote=sdrealtor]I havent seen one of her posts in weeks but found myself ROTFLMAO when I saw saw the quoted passage “the short answer is….” because without even having access to the rest of the answer I am certain it was follwed by a thousand words or more that failed to make a point short or otherwise.[/quote]
Why don’t you pull yourself up from the floor (that is, if you can), change your current refreshment to soda water or black coffee and jog your impaired memory. Firstly, think about every question you put out there where you demand an answer and get one, from me. If its not something you want to hear (or, more likely, you are in no condition to respond to it), you’ve simply ignored it and drowned yourself in your grape juice and/or insulted me with various and sundry epithets, etc ;=}
If you could possibly endeavor to understand the WHOLE answer, you might learn something.
I’m still waiting to hear the travails of your “comfortable and secure” six-figure public-worker household who wanted to explore a “short sale” possibility (of their residence?) :=D
Piggs, do you hear violins playing in the background??