[quote=sdrealtor]Huh? Choosing to switch from charmin to quilted northern is the same as selling your home at a cost of more than $20,000, moving your family, changing jobs, leaving friends and family. Yeah that’s exactly the same as changing the TP you use to wipe your ass. It’s a choice we all make!
Nice correction and one of many errors. That station in its prior location served primarily your neighborhood, mine, as well as the ones south of RSF rd and la costa near LCC and stagecoach park.There will be less than than 200 new homes north of that station. No one is better served now except those new homes and thousands are worse.[/quote]
That’s the argument used by the “private sector is God” types. Your point is exactly what I’ve been trying to explain for the longest time: no, we don’t always have a choice. BTW, toilet paper??? There are many better examples to show that we really don’t have much choice.
Yes, an error that was made by accident, not one of erroneous content or logic. If you can point out my “many errors,” I’d love to see them. So far, I’m the one who’s been proving the handful of public employee “haters” wrong — with cited FACTS, even!!!!