[quote=sdrealtor]Had he paid for his own schooling his income would be a couple hundred K higher than it is, he could have stayed in a house he loved, his kids would be growing up around family instead of strangers in a foreign country and his wife cant work there either (she is a highly skilled medical progfessional but not in the military) so they will struggle to pay her school debt also…[/quote]
[quote=sdrealtor]I didnt sell them the house I just fixed their problem. The house was a couple hundred K upside down…
Had he taken on a mountain of student loans he would have been able to deal with those bad decisions.[/quote]
Don’t you think it’s quite likely that with both of them having massive student debt still on their books, they may not have been able to qualify to buy the South Park house (or any other property) in the first place and thus wouldn’t have had the “$200K underwater” problem?
Not trying to harass, but again, just offering “food for thought,” here ;=]