[quote=sdrealtor]DR. B
LOL, I was not incredulous and said you may have done very well.[/quote]
Really? Where? A URL would help, but I don’t think you’ll find one.
[quote]I just dont have the data to know that to be true and dont think you do either.[/quote]
I already addressed your data. Find something specifically wrong with my points above and we might have something to talk about.
[quote]We dont have special insight we just subscribe to databases you dont have access to. Thats all it is. Pay a few grand a year and you can see them also.[/quote]
OK, I’m confused. Now your years of professional experience don’t give you any special insight? Not even I would go that far. I can produce quotes from the other thread if you don’t know what I’m confused about.
Also, you didn’t answer the questions I asked at the end of my post.