The problem with your argument is that the vast majority of divorces involve the wife bailing not vice versa.[/quote]
‘Tis true. However, most women bail because of one of the “three As” (adultery, abuse, addictions). In the vast majority of cases I know where the woman bailed, they left only after spending many, many hard years trying to deal with these problems and attempting to turn the marriage around.
BTW, let me also say that while I’m adamantly opposed to divorce, I definitely acknowledge that there are circumstances in many marriages that make it absolutely unbearable, and sometimes the only solution is divorce.
Still, like Richchex, SDR, and scaredycat note; oftentimes, things do NOT improve after divorce because the people seeking the divorce refuse to acknowledge their part in what made the marriage fail, and they jump from the frying pan into the fire over and over and over, again. Case in point: my FIL who just went through his fifth or sixth divorce. No doubt he’ll be following up with “the one” in a few months — you know, his **real** soulmate…this time, it’s different! 😉 Some people will never get it.