All I could do was chuckle while reading that plan. It is so far fetched because it is set up to favor and cater to buyers. Buyers dont control the property and the system, the sellers do and thats the way it should be. You have said all along that if you dont like it, then dont buy (and you havent). But dont expect the buyers to ever control the manner in which an asset, any asset I can think of is sold.[/quote]
Sellers might control the properties, but buyers control the money.
We’ll have to agree to disagree about who should control the system. With my system, all parties have equal access to all information. That’s hardly catering to buyers.
Why do you think sellers should control the system? That leaves too much room for fraud and unethical games. Let everyone know what all the facts are, and let the chips fall where they may. THAT is a true “free” market.
Both sides should have equal control over any transaction, but I’d add that buyers actually have more to lose as they’re the ones with less information (the house might have undisclosed problems for buyers, whereas money is always good for sellers). Therefore, more safeguards should be set up to protect buyers, IMHO.