[quote=sdrealtor]Car you are really failing here. The point wasn’t realtors working along the coast or in an expensive market it was ocean view or even palatial office space. An agent can work from home, a rented executive suite or other mundane space and have the same results as sitting ocean front. Frankly i have never been more productive or successful than i am now working from my kitchen. I thought you knew what this business was about. Fancy office space is for drawing in young agents who will get lousy splits. It’s the bread and butter of the big brokerages.
As for palatial office space I worked in what is the nicest real estate office along the coast and know without question you get a much lower split for the privilege of working there. Frankly that is why I left that environment.
Name one real estate office of any size in a prime ocean office?
To bring us back front and center why did the new la costa fire station have to built atop Box Canyon with an Ocean view party deck? Could they not have served the public just as well being located 100 yards east on the other side of RSF Road? Of course they could have.
Lastly you talk about pulling something outta ones ass and claiming it as fact. Well you just did that yourself with the seems to me comment above.[/quote]
No, I’m not failing at all.
This is what I wrote:
“Seems to me that the opposite might be the case, since the agents who work in the higher-end area are often long-time agents who tend to keep a higher percentage of their commissions.”
Where did I claim it was a fact (I do believe it, though)? What I said was very different vs. what “some posters” do when they say “so-and-so IS…” They make declarations about how things are, not what their opinions or beliefs are.
So, let’s just look at a particular franchise or two. Coldwell Banker, Prudential, whatever you choose. You know their offices better than I do. Choose a franchise, and show us (yep, cut and paste with a link, please) that the split is different between these offices because one office is more desirable than another. Again, all other variables have to remain constant — experience, type of license, etc. Show us that one location pays less than another strictly because of an ocean view. YOU are the one who started this nonsense, so please finish it.