[quote=sdrealtor][quote=CA renter][quote=pri_dk]Why are we even discussing what building a real estate firm chooses to occupy, or what they pay their employees?
Private businesses can spend their money as they wish.
The difference between public and private sector is taxpayer money vs. private money.
I don’t know how someone cannot understand this fundamental distinction.[/quote]
Money is fungible. It doesn’t matter if we’re spending too much on the “private sector” or the “public sector.” If we’re paying too much for something, then we’re paying too much for something. I care about corruption; it doesn’t matter of the recipient of our money is wearing his “capitalist” hat or his “government/socialist” hat. There is no difference; and no, we do not always have a choice when buying things from the “private” sector.[/quote]
BEAUTIFUL! Now you get it. There is no difference. I agree that we do not always have a choice when buying things from the “private” sector. The problem is we NEVER have a choice when buying things from the public sector.[/quote]
Wrong. Like I keep telling Pri, you can move to an area that uses a volunteer department. This is the same argument used to tell us that we can always choose to use another brand/item in the private sector. If **you choose** not to do this, that is a **choice** that YOU make.
On your correction about the area served, yes, I meant the area to the north, not east. They were needed to serve the *eastern* portion of LC where all the new development is, which includes the area to the north of the station. The point is that the area they serve is not “all” to the south (according to your post).